Membership will open January 2025 to attend our Holiday Event please purchase a non-member ticket

Become a Member

This page and the Join form are for brand new members who have never joined NYCORP in the past.  If you are a previous member and wish to join prior to an event please select the event and you will be presented with membership options to select from on the very first page.  If you prefer to attend an event without joining please click the event, register then on the first screen select No, Thanks for membership option and you will be presented with the non-member ticket option.

Join the New York Council of Relocation Professionals

With access to the industry’s leading professionals, educational seminars and first-class networking events, NYCORP offers benefits that continue throughout the year.  Gain access to the area’s leading resources and strategic thinkers today.

NYCORP Membership Details

Premium Membership, $375 Annually.(2024)  $375.00
Membership expires annually on December 31st.  
In-House HR/Immigration/Global Mobility Employee of a Corporation or Institution managing  their own employee population – No Charge. Verification Required Free, with Proof of in-house Corporate Mobility Responsibilities. Must upload a business card or ID card.

Platinum Sponsorship. $1200.00 now (2024). 
Includes one discounted membership.  Membership expires annually on December 31st.
Gold Sponsorship. 900.00 now (2024). 
Includes one discounted membership. Membership expires annually on December 31st.


In-House HR/Immigration/Global Mobility Employee of a Corporation or Institution managing  their own employee population = Corporate Membership

  • Membership is complementary for those in Human Resources, Immigration or Global Mobility who are directly responsible for managing it’s organization's mobility programs (including Managers of HR/GM that directly oversee mobility management firms handling programs for their employees or their own in-house program)
  • Membership includes access to four (4) regularly scheduled meetings
  • Access to the NYCORP website with presentations and other content.

Premium Membership = Service Providers

  • For those providing services to corporations and/or mobility management firms, annual membership fee for 2024 is $375.00.
  • Membership includes access to four (4) regularly scheduled meetings
  • Access to the NYCORP website with presentations and other content.  

Sponsor Opportunities (Includes one primary Premium Membership)

NYCORP is pleased to offer the following two sponsorship levels to its member organizations:

 Platinum Sponsorship Benefits – 

  • Two free guest registrations to ALL events in calendar year
  • Recognition as Platinum Sponsor on PowerPoint loop at events
  • Recognition of your firm as a Sponsor from the NYCORP Board at Events
  • Featured Logo and Link on NYCORP website
  • 1 Premium Membership Included for primary contact

Gold Sponsorship Benefits-

  • Two free guest registrations at the June signature event
  • Recognition in Gold group on PowerPoint loop at events
  • Featured Logo on NYCORP website
  • 1 Premium Membership Included for primary contact

Non-Member/ Guest Fee

Non-members and guests may attend NYCORP meetings for $200 per event in 2024.  After attending their first NYCORP meeting, non-members may apply their $200 fee towards the $375 annual membership fee (on a one time basis).

Membership Cycle

Membership runs on a calendar year, January 1st to December 31st each year.
Membership expires on December 31st of the current year.

How to become an NYCORP Member
Corporate Mobility Program Managers/HR may join online without any restrictions.

A prospective member will register vis the website and submit their individual information which includes:  name, address, phone numbers, e-mail and organization.

Once a prospective In-House corporate member submits their application online, their membership status remains in a “pending” status for NYCORP Board review.  Upon review by the Board, prospective corporate members will be notified via e-mail of membership approval.

NYCORP Membership Renewal
Active NYCORP members will receive notices via e-mail at the beginning of the membership cycle.  Active members, please log into the NYCORP website and complete the renewal process.  As mentioned above, there is no fee for Corporate program Managers, but Service Providers will need to renewal payment.  Please do not fill out a new membership application as it will create a new membership record.

Member access to NYCORP Website
All NYCORP members will have access to the NYCORP website through a Username and Password.  Periodically users may be prompted to change their password.  When prompted, please select a new password that is easy to remember, but hard for others to determine.  Usernames can also be modified under the “MY Profile” icon in the Member Center.

Communication to the Membership
All communications regarding NYCORP meetings and industry updates will be provided through e-mail and the NYCORP website.

Membership, website and additional questions can be directed to anyone listed on the NYCORP Board of Directors or to [email protected]